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MULE SKINNER - Airstrike

Released July 25/18 (F.O.A.D. Records)

Despite Mule Skinner grinding 'er up since 1991, Airstrike only represents the band's sophomore full length (the other having been issued way back in 1996). So, it's safe to say that there's likely to be some pent-up frustration/anger to be found within the grooves here. Laser hits plastic and the expected abuse comes to fruition immediately via opener 'Suicide Vest', under two minutes of blastbeated, pulverizing grindcore. If you hang in for the full 33 minutes of mayhem here, you will have truly been left bruised and beaten.

Love the production job here, the rhythm section clearly discernible, acting as the backbone for this punishing 13-track, 33-minute release. Tony Salisbury's bulbous bass work is especially noteworthy, adding some diversity underneath the straight-line, vicious guitar riffs. Very cool stuff indeed.

Fave tracks: 'Suicide Vest', 'Sovereignty', 'Among Sheep', 'Faith In Blood', 'Backbone', 'Tactical Control' and 'Fuse'.


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