PODCAST #27 - New & Upcoming Releases (Odds & Sods)
Our 'New & Upcoming Releases' podcast series attempts to introduce new music to our listeners that they may otherwise not have a chance to hear. This episode we throw out the fishing net to catch all sorts of aggressive sounds. From trad/doom metal, to punk, to hard rock and the blues - we've got you covered. It's our 'Odds & Sods' episode.
Rock on!
(0:22) INTRCPTR - II (Bandcamp)
(4:50) GATEKEEPER - Grey Maiden (Cruz Del Sur)
(9:53) FATHER MOON - II (Bandcamp)
(17:13) RUDE TINS - Upcoming EP
(20:36) HEXENBRETT - Erste Bescheworung (Bandcamp)
(25:58) WET DREAMS - S/T
(29:55) KICKER - Pure Drivel (Tank Crimes)
(31:33) ROBERT CONNELY FARR & THE REBELTONE BOYS - Dirty South Blues (Bandcamp)