ABRASIVE NOISE - Sound of the Underground #10
Continuing with our regular feature going forward, The Mighty Decibel is teaming up with Abrasive Noise in cross-pollinating material across our sites. Abrasive Noise is an E-magazine that features music reviews, news and promotes upcoming artists. Luke Parsons, its main-man, shares the same desire/vision we have at The Mighty Decibel in wanting to recommend new metal releases with readers ... so we hope it's a perfect fit for both sets of readers/listeners. In the third shared article, Abrasive Noise provide the tenth installment of their "Sound of the Underground" series where they provide short reviews of a number of releases from lesser known entities. Something we believe that our Mighty Decibel readers will appreciate!
Highlight the link below and go to read/hear some new sounds from the underground ...