LUCIFERA - La Caceria De Brujas
Released February 25/19 (Dunkelheit Produktionen)
Employing some of the most hair raising, throaty rasp vocals these battle tested ears have ever endured, Lucifera rises from their lair somewhere deep in Colombia to lay down a beating on this, their fourth full length. Taking high energy speed metal and energizing it with death/thrash viciousness, this is most definitely one of those 'blow-back-your-hair' listening experiences. Thankfully few metalheads seem to sport toupees these days, so the damage should be negligible.
In existence since 2008, it's obvious that the folks in Lucifera take their extreme metal seriously, laying down their brand of mayhem with utmost conviction and spite. The production really suits this type of jungle warfare, allowing for instrument differentiation, the bass work being especially fun to decipher throughout. A. Blasfemia's vocals are what really defines the band though, her blood curdling vox setting them apart from the death/thrash hordes. A very enjoyable romp.