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(Playlist) 1976 : THE YEAR IN METAL - In 40 Minutes

Let's go back in time when heavy metal was just beginning to find its legs (after its birth in 1970 with BLACK SABBATH's self-titled debut). Back then hard rock and metal were terms used interchangeably, so don't be surprised to see both represented in this 40-minute curated set of the best hard music made that year.

A big salute to 1976 - there's something about you!!

Side 1

(0:00) "Lick and a Promise": AEROSMITH - Rocks

(3:05) "Deceiver": JUDAS PRIEST - Sad Wings of Destiny

(5:48) "Turn It Up": TED NUGENT - Free For All

(9:25) "Is There A Better Way": STATUS QUO - Blue For You

(12:56) "Something About You": Boston - Boston

(16:44) "Something For Nothing": RUSH - 2112

Side 2

(20:43) "Starstruck": RAINBOW - Rising

(24:49) "Havana Affair'": RAMONES - Ramones

(26:46) "Highway Lady": UFO - No Heavy Petting

(30:33) "Emerald": THIN LIZZY - Jailbreak

(34:38) "Only Your Nose Knows": MAX WEBSTER - Max Webster

(38:58) "Back Street Kids" - BLACK SABBATH - Technical Ecstasy

(42:45) "Virgin Killer" - SCORPIONS - Virgin Killer



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