Podcast #65 - 10 Rock'N'Roll Albums ... For Metalheads
We continue with our ... For Metalheads podcast series, this time shining a light on ten rock'n'roll albums that would easily fit in any metalhead's record collection.
Never forget the roots, baby!
(2:02) CHUCK BERRY - Legend: Greatest Hits (1964)
(4:48) STATUS QUO - Quo (1974)
(9:04) ROSE TATTOO - Rose Tattoo (1978)
(12:47) VARDIS - The World's Insane (1981)
(16:18) GEORGE THOROGOOD & THE DESTROYERS - Maverick (1985)
(19:53) RAGING SLAB - Raging Slab (1993)
(23:42) THE HELLACOPTERS - Payin' The Dues (1997)
(26:14) THE SUPERSUCKERS - The Evil Powers of Rock'N'Roll (1999)
(28:53) HARD ACTION - Hot Wired Beat (2017)
(33:43) KOSMIK BOOGIE TRIBE - We're Not Here To Fuck Spiders (2018)