NASHVILLE PUSSY - Pleased To Eat You
Released September 7/18 (earMUSIC)
Following the same trajectory as brethren The Supersuckers, Nashville Pussy (named after a rap from Ted Nugent's Double Live Gonzo opus) started life as a punk'n'roll outfit only to morph into a hard rock/rock'n'roll outfit as old age has set in. However, the ladies and gentlemen (ahem) of Nashville Pussy have managed to maintain more of an edge to their latter-era material, giving them a slight advantage over their brothers-in-arms.
For those not in the know, Nashville Pussy is made up of the husband/wife team of Blaine Cartwright and Ruyter Suys. Lead singer and rhythm guitarist Cartwright plays the southern redneck role to the hilt, spewing out hilarious tales of debauchery, while Suys takes on the lead-guitar hero role. Bass is played by Bonnie Buitrago (their fifth lass in the position) and Ben Thomas pounds the skins (their fifth drummer in their twenty-year history).
What you get here is the same basic hard boogieing stuff that used to make AC/DC such an enthralling listen. Every track an island to itself, delivered with conviction and energy for miles, this is one of those few albums that you'll willingly listen to from beginning to end. Plug in, finish that drink, get another one, hit repeat. Good times assured.
Includes a slide guitarin' cover of Nazareth's 'Woke Up This Morning' that fits in perfectly both sonic-ally and lyrically with this batch of hard-partying rockers.
A couple of Nugent-inspired ditties can be found at the end of the disc, the album calligraphy also belying the band's nod of the baseball cap to the mighty Nuge.